Previous Events

Welcome to the Let’s-French Previous Events page! Listed below are past events which Wyatt led. You may be interested in attending similar ones to either begin or continue your French language journey.

Additionally, if you know of any events in which you would like Wyatt to either participate or lead, please be sure to contact him.

In the meantime, here’s just a bit of what participants shared about their recent experience at French Boot Camp.

Bainbridge Island Metro Parks and Recreation District Boot Camp

Highest ratings were received from all participants regarding: topic knowledge, reaching individual expectations and willingness to recommend to others! Here’s a sample of their comments.

“Extra patient and organized, exquisite pronunciation of French.”
Kimberly G.
“Very patient. Very flexible. Great job adapting content to needs of class.”
Chip G.
“”very poised and confident, worked well with an older group of students – very fun.””
Sally D.